As individuals, we all strive for physical health and mental wellbeing. It’s an essential part of living a fulfilling life. 

But what about the wellbeing of those around us, especially our colleagues and employees? It’s often overlooked in the workplace, but it’s equally essential. The happier and healthier your team is, the more productive they’ll be, and the more your business will thrive.

According to Mind, there are five ways of well-being:

  • Connect
  • Be Active
  • Take Notice
  • Learn
  • Give
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Head over to the Mind website for more information.

This leads us on to the wellbeing boxes that we create here at Citizen. A wellbeing box is a simple yet powerful gesture that can have a big impact on the wellbeing of your team. They can be used for a variety of purposes and contain various items, such as tea, coffee, healthy snacks, mindfulness cards, essential oils, and much more. We like to think that businesses are using these boxes to help their employees with at least one of the 5 ways of wellbeing.

Whether it’s a new starter welcome pack or a seasonal treat, we work with you to create a box that reflects your brand and values. We’re passionate about promoting wellbeing in the workplace, and we believe that our wellbeing gift boxes are a simple yet effective way to do so.

Here are just a few ways that you can use wellbeing boxes:


  • New starter welcome packs to include branded merch or work essentials
  • Celebratory boxes; for hitting targets, achieving milestones, birthdays, maternity/paternity
  • Incentives to increase engagement and connection on a project
  • ‘Sorry you’re leaving’ boxes
  • Relaxation kits
  • Seasonal treats i.e Christmas boxes to include cookies, hot chocolate, marshmallows, hand warmers etc.

Clients (wellbeing boxes don’t need to be just for employees):

  • New customer welcome boxes
  • To celebrate anniversaries with the client
  • Seasonal treats i.e Halloween boxes to include all the treats because there’s no tricks where you’re concerned

The benefits of giving wellbeing boxes are clear. First, they show your team that you care about their wellbeing. By providing them with a little treat or a token of appreciation, you’re acknowledging that they’re more than just a number, they’re valuable individuals. 

Secondly, they help to create a positive work environment. When employees feel appreciated, it fosters a culture of positivity and respect. Finally, they promote wellbeing. Whether it’s taking a break to enjoy a cup of tea or practicing mindfulness with a set of cards, the items in a wellbeing box encourages teams to take care of themselves.

Many companies are making well-being at work a priority, and rightly so! Healthy employees, in body and mind, are more productive employees. There’s plenty of research that shows that.

Take a look at a recent well-being box created for BT

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We created “Welcome Back Belfast” boxes to welcome the BT Belfast team back into the offices after Covid-19. It was filled with all the essentials; headphones, hand warmer, Yankee Candle, hot chocolate plus some branded sweet treats. We aptly titled the box “All the basic elements you need to be at your best!”

Read the full case study – A job well done for BT with Wellbeing Boxes | Case Study 

In conclusion, taking care of the wellbeing of your employees and colleagues is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. By promoting the five ways of wellbeing, you can support your team’s mental and physical health. Wellbeing boxes are a great way to show your team that you care, promote positivity, and encourage self-care.