The Requirement

Europcar is a client we have worked with for a number of years on many different projects, from creative design to exhibition stand builds. This time, they came to us with a brief that required us to push the boundaries a little more than usual. They needed a new Vans and Trucks brochure. However, instead of a box-standard A4 brochure saved as a PDF, they wanted something a bit different. No problem. ‘Project Jazzy’, as it was jokingly named, had begun.

The Purpose

The purpose of the revamp was two-fold: to enhance the image of Europcar among van and truck customers as a serious van and truck rental provider and to create a functional sales tool that would be essential for the sales team to present to clients as well as be intuitive enough for customers to navigate alone. Europcar’s business involves changes in fleet vehicles on a regular basis, and with more electric vehicles and options for ancillaries on vans and trucks available too, this ‘brochure’ needed to be easy to update and be a foundation to build on for the future.

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From a creative point of view, the Vans & Trucks branding was already very striking, and this look and feel needed to permeate the whole new ‘brochure’.

So, where did we start?

We started with a range of options, listing the pros, cons, and capabilities of each option. This would help give Europcar a clear idea of what was available to display the information included in the Vans and Trucks Guide – the name that replaced ‘Project Jazzy’!

From here we whittled it down to a bespoke website build as Europcar wanted to make sure they stood out from the crowd.

The Process

Once the website option was selected we got to work with the new ‘pagination’ to design a bespoke built website. This all started with our design team, who created the look and feel of the website, based on the Vans & Trucks branding. They included the current fleet available, new cut out images, updated copy, new videos and new icons, as well as suggested animation and dynamic features. Once the design and content was approved by Europcar our web development team worked their magic and turned the design into a fully functioning website.

We were also able to help further by connecting the contact form to their sales database which would automatically input lead data to their CRM system. Another great feature of a bespoke website.

The Results

Take a look and see for yourself by following this link

Vans & Trucks Mock Ups
Vans & Trucks Mock Ups (1)

We think we definitely hit the ‘jazzy’ brief. Karen Moule, Brand Marketing Manager at Europcar, and the Europcar team thought so too!

Having already sold the idea of something ‘a bit different’ internally, I knew from previous experience that CitCom would be able to deliver a visually stunning creative piece, as well as fulfilling the objective of being a great showcase for our expanding Vans & Trucks business. CitCom had created a stunning exhibition stand for Europcar Vans & Trucks and I was looking for that same visual impact in a more interactive format, from a customer point of view; and easy to update, from a content point of view. CitCom have hit the brief again and the feedback from internal colleagues has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you for a great job!

Karen Moule, Brand Marketing Manager, Europcar Mobility Group UK
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